Nolan English

After serving nearly 14 years in the military, Nolan English became what he never thought he would be: a homeless veteran. He fought hard to overcome his situation but found his strength through his faith and the direction it provided. He was compelled to 'use what was in his hands' to overcome his situation. Using a 12’x24’ shed and a friend’s small plot of land, Nolan developed his first tiny house to provide a sense of shelter and stability for his family. After overcoming this (self-described) “wilderness experience”, Nolan followed his call to minister to the homeless and has served in this capacity for more than 25 years. His passion to help others overcome their personal wilderness is what ultimately led him to aid service providers in leading their clients to paths of self-sufficiency.

Mr. English led established churches in their understanding and ministry to the marginalized. After Hurricane Katrina, Nolan relocated his efforts from Louisville to New Orleans to aid the “newly homeless” following the hurricane and to assist with the rescue, recovery, and disaster relief efforts. This “Pastor of Community Impact” seeks to help s at-risk youth, the elderly, and the working-poor obtain housing. This passion and calling lead to Nolan founding Traveling Grace Ministries.


Reverend Jasmine Rose Smothers


Maureen Freehill